A Good Friday Reflection


The seven last words of Jesus are an ancient litany, dating back to at least the 16th century. No one gospel has them all, but together the various last words give a picture of Jesus’ suffering and death. Three phrases of Jesus from Luke, one from Mark/Matthew and three from John are arranged in a liturgy, to be read on Good Friday.

  1. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:24)

  2. Today shalt thou be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43)

  3. Woman, behold thy son. (John 19:29)

  4. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Mark 15:34, Matthew 27:46)

  5. I thirst. (John 19:28)

  6. It is finished. (John 19:30)

  7. Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit. (Luke 23:46)



The cross

describes the realities

of human suffering:

cruelty, derision,


being deserted by your

 closest friends when

trouble comes,

death at the hands of a

powerful institution.

The final words of Jesus,


give voice to

human experience in death.


The liturgy

of the seven words, seven phrases,

taken from the four gospels,

Has a sense of movement.

A person dying,

focusing outward, 

addressing those in power, 

turning to the powerless one beside him, 

entrusting his mother to his dearest friend.

focusing inward, 

expressing the anguish of despair and abandonment,

The longing for thirst to be satiated,

Then, resolution,

a sense of completion, closure, consummation,

entrusting oneself to the Divine.


Jesus speaks: forgiveness for others,

promise of divine presence beyond death,

care and provision for his family,

expressions of his humanity in

a sense of divine abandonment, 

the discomfort of thirst,

        completion of his earthly presence in material form,

giving himself over to God with intention.


On this Good Friday, 

may we forgive as we have been forgiven, 

cling to the promise of life eternal,

care for our loved ones and make provision for after our death,

trust that God hears our cries, 

even when we experience despair and physical pain,

know that as long as we live and breath it is not finished yet for us,

and give ourselves over to God with intention, for in life and in death,

we belong to God.

May this Good Friday be meaningful for you and your loved ones.
